


在最近的“爱我们的大学周”中,我们庆祝了我们神奇的绿色大学。从太阳能电池板,种植数百棵树,生态砖,鸟屋和昆虫箱,我们的学生参与了各种项目。我们的乡村管理学生受到启发,开始了他们自己的绿色运动,垃圾就是垃圾!处理校园内外的垃圾问题。我们的乡村管理学生威廉进一步讨论了这个问题:“每个和我交谈过的人都同意我们不应该乱扔垃圾。我想我们都同意,我们正在用垃圾填满这个世界,从垃圾填埋场到海洋中的塑料。但这就是事情变得复杂的地方。你对垃圾的定义是什么?可以乱扔一些东西,但不能乱扔其他东西吗?这取决于你和谁在一起吗? Or even where you are? According to an investigation by Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) and Keep Britain Tidy (KBT), 16-25 year olds are most likely to litter soft drink cans. The report says there are 4 factors that influence littering habits. Their personal opinion on what littering means. E.g. dropping a can in the street is littering, but leaving a can on a wall may be viewed as different How packaging affects behaviour. E.g it’s OK to litter cans, but not glass or plastic bottles because the danger that glass and plastic can cause to people or the environment. Social influences. The report suggests young people are more likely to drop litter when they’re with friends, but wouldn’t probably consider it if they’re with family. The importance of location. The young people in the survey suggested it’s not OK to litter in places close to home, but it’s OK in public places that are regularly cleaned - like town centres, cinemas, train stations. I think that the only way we are going to be able to address littering is to get everyone agreeing that all littering is bad for the environment. One reason I think littering happens is that there aren’t enough litter bins and recycling bins around towns and colleges. In addition to this manufacturers and recycling companies need to be far clearer as to what can be recycled. Lets make a target on there being no litter around the campus by the 15th April 2020!” - William, Countryside Management Student. Students will be continuing their fantastic work on Litter is rubbish! Keep your eyes peeled for updates!


这周又为我们的Ag学生提供了一个很好的机会!我们很荣幸地接待Minette Batters, t…https://t.co/MK9uDCWpwY
